Waiting . . .

So this last week or so I’ve been preparing for my hernia surgery and recovery.  I knew that after surgery I wasn’t going to be able to stay with my trainer any longer because I wouldn’t be able to get up and down the stairs.  Luckily my sister agreed to let Lakota and I come and stay with her while I recover from my surgery.  Last weekend our friends Julie & Jenea came and helped us move all of our stuff to my sisters.  It’s been interesting getting everything settled and figuring out a new routine.  It’s coming together though.

Originally my surgery was scheduled for yesterday but when I went in to the doctor’s office, with a cold, they told me they couldn’t put me under anesthesia.  Something about having a cold plus my asthma would not be a good combination and I would be at a higher risk of complications.  So, they sent me home and we had to reschedule my surgery for two weeks away.  At this point it’s just a matter of waiting.

Any delay right now is irritating.  The longer it takes me to have my surgery means that it’s just going to put off my recovery time.  I’m not allowed to work out or lift weights until after my surgery so this is just prolonging my weight loss.  I’m not happy about it either.  I hate waiting – I want to be able to work out right now.  I’m just trying to keep as busy as I can for right now and I pray for the best. 

Good News & Bad News

I like starting things on a positive note so the good news is that I got to go on my camping trip for reaching my goal last month.  We left last Friday and came home on Sunday.  It was so much fun and I was really able to relax.  We went fishing, I caught three fish-which we threw back, sat around the fire and just talked.  We prepared for cold weather but it was surprisingly nice out.  Our last day we went to Mirror C ranch and helped some friends bring in their hay.  I got to drive the tractor while Breeze helped load it and the girls rode horses with the children.  I would never have been able to do that a couple of months ago.  I also got to ride a four wheeler!  I’ve been aching to do that for a while now and I was finally able to do it.  It was so exhilarating!  This weekend I get to go back and help them with the haying again which means I get to drive the tractor.  It’s an amazing feeling to be needed. 

The bad news is that earlier this week I found out I have another hernia.  I guess it’s a pretty bad one as the doctors have scheduled me to have surgery on the 9th of October.  In the meantime I’m not allowed to lift any weights or do any strenuous exercise.  That effectively put a halt on most of my physical activity.  This will actually be my 11th hernia surgery and it has me completely frustrated.  I’ve been working so incredibly hard these past few months to be healthier and to lose weight and I’m worried that it was all for nothing.  I can no longer work out so I just don’t see the weight dropping off.  Plus after surgery it’s going to take me some time to recover and that will just further delay my weight loss progress.  Just when I thought things were starting to look up for me I get this news and it’s completely flustered me.

I hate ending on bad news so I will tell you that while I was at the doctors office I did find out that I’ve lost another 2 pounds.  That means I’ve lost 81 pounds so far from when I started.  That was the only ray of sunshine in an otherwise gloomy day.  I’ll take it and be happy I lost that two pounds!  I’m not giving up either-it’s just a speed bump in the road for now.

Giving It My All

These last couple of weeks have been going pretty well and I’ve been pleased with the progress that I’ve been making.  As far as the weight loss goes, I’m not really where I want to be.  I’ve only lost another pound so I’m kinda frustrated that I won’t be meeting my monthly goal.  However I’ve been more than pleased with some of the other changes I’ve been seeing.  I’m still working out a couple of times of day and it’s starting to show in different areas.

For Instance, I was able to do some dead-lifts.  I did several sets of 100 pounds and it was a HUGE milestone for me!

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Each week I’ve been going to the pool and doing some water aerobics.  I can feel myself getting stronger-which is why I think I was able to do dead-lifts.  When we first started, I was excited to be able to just go swimming but I’ve also been able to increase my range of motion.  I never used to be able to lift my arm above my head because my shoulder was so bad and now I’m able to do it while holding weights.  It’s been a great contribution to my week.

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This last weekend I had the opportunity to visit with a couple of my girlfriends and we did a whole makeover.  I was able to dye my hair back to my original color.  I finally got rid of the red!  We even had a little makeup party and I got to experiment with more natural colors.  Lakota was able to even put on a little bit of eye shadow and foundation herself.  The girl is beautiful without it but it was an exciting thing for her to try.  We sure had fun playing with it.

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I’m really liking the direction things are going right now.  I’m moving past the days of trying to please other people, especially men, by hiding behind too much makeup or an exotic hair color.  I”m going to start living my life for me..  In fact, I’m just plain going to start living my life.

Changing My Mind

Your-Mindset-changeLately I’ve been struggling with my lot in life and making myself do things I know I should be doing-like cooking, cleaning, and working out.  This process has been a constant battle for me and everyday I have to remind myself that I’m not the woman I used to be and that I’m stronger than I was.  I’ve spent so much of the last three years relying on people to do things for me because I couldn’t do them myself.  I had to rely on family members to get me where I needed to go, like the grocery store or picking up my daughter from school when she had seizures, I had to rely on my children to take care of my dogs, and household things because I couldn’t do them myself.  Being stuck in a wheelchair for so long severely limited my ability to do things and I basically gave up-on myself and my life.  It wasn’t exactly living and the only the only reason I got up every morning was for my children.

Things are different now and have been for a few months.  I’m no longer stuck in a wheelchair and it’s actually gathering dust in my garage.  I don’t feel like I need to go and dust it off either.  I’m cooking for me and my daughter, I help to clean, and I’m starting to become a contributing member of the household I’m living in.  Still I have days that I struggle and even if I do a workout I want to to quit before I know I should.  It all comes down to changing my mindset.  I still think like I’m the 400 pound, disabled woman I used to be instead of the lady that can walk around the grocery store and the lady that throws around 20 pound weights.

I am a lot stronger than even I realize sometimes and I need to remember that about myself.  I’ve survived my entire life having other people tell me I cant, I’m not good enough, or that I’m too fat to do something.  I refuse to be one of those contributing voices in my head any longer.  It’s time I start thinking of things as the 150 pound woman that I want to be instead of the 400 pound woman I used to be.  Thinking in those terms will help me to get off the couch and give me the motivation to push myself to be better-even when I know it’s going to be hard.  That’s what’s going to help me lose the 28 pounds I’m striving for this month and ultimately what’s going to give me long term success.  I’m ready to start being that woman.

Intense Training

I feel like I’ve been training for a marathon lately.  I knew going into this month I would have to work incredibly hard.  I want to be under 300 pounds bad enough that I’ve started going to three a day workouts.  I’m pretty wiped out at the end of the day because I’ve been working so hard.  We don’t have a scale around the house though so I’m not sure yet if it’s doing any good.  I’m hoping to weigh myself at the end of the week to see if I’ve lost anything so cross your fingers for me!

Additionally, Breeze has been having me do water aerobics-as of Monday anyway.  Every Monday for the next 6-8 weeks I’ll be doing water aerobics in a friends pool.  I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be able to get back in the water.  It’s literally been a few years since I’ve been able to get in the pool.  Now he’s got me walking and running all over the dang thing. And you know what?  It feels absolutely amazing.

All this working out is doing me some good.  I’ve got way more energy than I’ve ever had and I can tell that I’m physically getting stronger.  My legs are different story, however.  They sometimes are stubborn and resistant.  As much as I would like to just move and get it done, my body just won’t co-operate with me all the time.   Sometimes I do get cramps in my legs if I push myself too far.  Luckily I’ve got some fantastic people that help me massage my legs when I do cramp.


Kaila was nice enough to massage my crampy legs for me!

End of the Month Check In


So it’s the start of a new month and it’s time to re-evaluate my goals and how I did as well as set some new ones.  For the month of August I had set four goals for myself:

  1. To get out of my wheelchair
  2. Lose 20 pounds
  3. Move out of my apartment
  4. Get off my medications

This being the first time I’ve ever set goals for myself I think I did fairly well.  I am not currently using my wheelchair and I haven’t for twelve days!  I’m still not walking as much as i would like but I am only using a cane or my walker for longer distances.  I’ve also moved out of my apartment and into a much healthier environment, but I do have roommates.  I’m still actively looking for my own place but I’m okay staying here for a while.  The environment I’m in is so much better than it was and I know I get the support I need here.  I didn’t quite make the 20 pound marker but I got dang close;  I lost a total of 16 pounds bringing me down to 328 pounds!!  That’s a big accomplishment for me and one I’m really proud of.  I also didn’t get off my meds all the way but because of my success with weight loss I’ve been able to cut them in half.  I feel great knowing that I’ve made such big strides this last month.  Although I didn’t quite make all of my goals I’m very happy with where I’m at.  I did earn the camping trip-which is a huge accomplishment for me, and we’ve made plans to go in a couple weeks when the craziness of Labor Day is past us.

In keeping with my tradition of goal setting I’ve set some new goals for the month of September.  They’re a little bit tougher than last months goals.  So without further ado, here they are:

  1. Goal:  Lost 29 pounds by the end of the month.  This will put me under 300 pounds.  Reward:  Finally get myself some new clothes.
  2. Goal:  To get the rest of the way off my meds.  Reward:  A trip to the winery.  I’ve never been able to go and I’ve always wanted to be able to try it.

This time around these goals are a bit more challenging for me.  In order to meet my first goal of getting under 300 ponds I’m going to have to constantly be moving.  It’s going to be more intensive than my previous workouts have been.  I’ve started going to two a day workouts to help me get moving and I plan on doing that every day for this month.   I’m determined to do it and I’ve got the help and support I need to accomplish it.

Home Sweet Home!!


I’m a very excited woman right now.  I finally got moved out of my old apartment and I can’t tell you how happy I am to be rid of that place.  I wasn’t technically supposed to have to be out of there until next week but my landlord decided to show up early and tell me he already had the place rented so I needed to move out early.  I realize that I didn’t technically have to agree but I had the help and they were willing so we went ahead and did it anyway.  It definitely put us in a time crunch because Breeze and his family were leaving this weekend to go out of town so I literally only had one day to move and clean the apartment.  It was hectic to say the least.  We probably had six different vehicles in my parking lot loaded down with my stuff because it was such short notice.  Thank heavens I was already all packed and basically ready to go.

To say the least, we got all my stuff moved and Breeze was sweet enough to help me clean the apartment and repair some holes my daughter’s boyfriend decided to leave in the wall.  It was a bit stressful trying to get that fixed in the time crunch we had.  We did it though!

For now I’m staying with my friends until I can find an apartment for just Lakota, my two boxers, and myself.  The environment here is completely different and I have to say it’s so much more relaxing and stress free.  I can’t express to you how nice it is not to wake up to people fighting every damn day.  It’s been an interesting change but I know that I’ll get the help and support I need here.  They’ve made me and my daughter feel extremely welcome even though I know this is an adjustment for them as well.  The dogs have had a bit of a harder time though, haha.  They are not getting along slowly adjusting to having other dogs around so we’re going to be building some dog runs to keep them slightly separated for the time being.

The only thing about moving that makes me sad is the fact that my oldest daughter didn’t come with me.  She’s old enough now to live on her own and she’s expecting her first baby with her boyfriend.  I worry about her because I know that she didn’t take my nutritional advice with her.  I stress that she’s not really prepared to be a mother and care for her child.  I know this is my fault because I am the one that taught her these unhealthy eating habits.  Trying to change that now, when she’s grown, has been extremely difficult.  Hopefully it will eventually sink in but until then I’ll just keep trying to get through to her.

The Emotional Side of Losing Weight

A lot of different things have been coming to a head lately and it’s bringing up all these different emotions.  These last couple of weeks I’ve been preparing to move and it’s been stressful.  My oldest daughter and I haven’t exactly been getting along and she doesn’t really care to help out much in the way of cleaning.  It’s frustrating because I’m limited on what I can do and I need help.  If I don’t get help from her than I have to ask other people and I hate asking for help.  I do not like being beholden to other people.  It’s also been difficult to find a place on such short notice so it looks like I’ll be moving in with some friends for the time being while I keep looking for a place for Lakota and I.  The environment and support I’ll get there is going to be a million times better but it worries me all the same.  I don’t want to be a burden on anyone.

On top of that my weight loss has stalled.  Granted I’ve not been working out as much as I had been before our trainers had to leave the gym we worked out at.  But it’s still frustrating that I’m eating all the right things and I’m still exercising a few days a week and nothing is happening on the weight loss front.  Sometimes I struggle with feeling like I really can’t do this.  It makes me want to give up and give in to my temptations for sugary, carb loaded foods.  To be honest, and I hope not too depressing, sometimes I wonder if this is all worth it.  Giving up certain foods and exercising everyday that is.  Sometimes it can be quite painful and my body aches because I’m using muscles I’ve not used in a long time.  I get frustrated with my limitations and I try to push myself to do more than I can and then get angry with myself when I can’t.

I don’t know what keeps pushing me forward on those days when I want to give up.  I suppose it’s the great support system I have, finally.  I can tell you that having friends that can talk you off the “ledge” makes all the difference in the world.  They refuse to let me give up and having someone I can, finally, count on to be there is the best gift I’ve ever received.  I’m also desperate to get out of my wheelchair.  I’ve made a lot of progress lately but I’m not quite out of it yet.  I want to be done with it so badly and I know if I give in to my urges to quit that I will never get out of it.  I can’t allow that to happen.  One thing I do know is this:  if I can keep going, I who am a 49 year old lady in a wheelchair, than you most certainly can.  Don’t give in to your urges because you are stronger than your urges to be unhealthy or to give up.  Keep fighting!

Blackberry Picking

I had the extreme pleasure of going blackberry picking this last weekend.  I haven’t gone berry picking in years and years.  These last three years especially since I’ve been confined to a wheelchair.  I was pretty apprehensive about going when it was first brought to my attention.  My first instinct was “I can’t do this!”  Oh but I wanted to, so badly.  I agreed to give it a try though so my daughter, Lakota, and I piled into Breeze’s van and down the road we went.

We went to this quaint little ranch called The Berry Ranch.  They sell all kinds of different fruits and vegetables but the berries they sell you pick yourself.  They have HUGE rows of each kind of berry including raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.  They gave each adult in our group, myself excluded, a flat to put our berries in and directed us to the blackberry rows.  We chose blackberries to begin with because we wanted to make our own jam-plus blackberries are amazing.  Now keep in mind that I haven’t been walking a whole lot.  I still have my wheelchair and I still use that primarily to get around.  Because it’s a motorized wheelchair, when I go on outings I haven’t been able to take it as it won’t fit in anyone’s car and I don’t own a vehicle.  To compensate I’ve been using a walker to get around so most of my outings are pretty short or there is somewhere I can sit down.  Not this particular outing.  Instead I was going to have to push my walker over uneven ground in between these rows of blackberries in order to participate in the blackberry picking.  Did I mention that each row was around a half mile and there wasn’t any way to switch between rows halfway through.  If you started on one row you either walked to the end or turned around to go back to the beginning.  A daunting task for someone who hasn’t really been walking for that long.

I was determined to try it though, I wanted to eat some blackberries pretty bad.  Plus it was something I had done all the time as a little kid and then given up as an adult.  I want to get those things back.  Now I obviously couldn’t push my walker and carry a flat at the same time but I did make my way out to the blackberry patch.  It was a pretty hot day so I worked up a good sweat just getting out to the rows of blackberry’s.  I won’t lie, it was exhausting work and that’s just getting out there.  It was extremely difficult once I got there.  The ground was very uneven and the rows were covered in vines and branches so it was very tough to push my walker through the rows.  It was also pretty narrow in certain spots which meant I had to completely lift my walker off the ground and carry it as I was trying to walk.  I only made it about halfway down one of the rows before I had to turn around and head back.

I was very frustrated about that.  I had wanted to be able to do it so badly but once I got out there I just knew it wasn’t going to work.  I tried though and for that I’m proud of myself.  I don’t feel as if I gave up-I know my body just wasn’t ready.  The hard part for me is the realization that these limitations that I’m experiencing are the consequences of years of bad decisions.  I let myself get so debilitated that working myself back up to being able to walk can be constantly frustrating and exhausting.  It really sucked having to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else do what I couldn’t.  I don’t ever want to be there again.  I’m going to use this experience as future motivation whenever I feel like giving up.  The only person I would be giving up on  is myself.  I can’t allow myself to do that anymore.

My friend Jenea came with

My friend Jenea came with

Lakota had such a good time

Lakota had such a good time

Our haul-Yummy.

Our haul-Yummy.

I may have snacked a bit

I may have snacked a bit

I had to reach for the good ones

I had to reach for the good ones

The sun was in my eyes

The sun was in my eyes

Proof that I did it.

Proof that I did it.

I was pooped!

I was pooped!

See how overgrown the rows were?

See how overgrown the rows were?

Getting Educated

As promised, I’m back to post some pictures of this last weekend.  It’s taken me a bit longer than usual as this week has been pretty hectic between doctor appointments and all the running around I’ve been doing.  I’ve been wanting to post the pictures though because we had such a good time out at John & Crystal’s ranch.  So without further ado, here is our weekend in pictures:


John teaching us about harvesting wheat


The Kids got to learn too


Outside they showed us how to remove the chaff


Chaff is the dry husk around the grain


More removal













My friend Julie


Part of our group


My daughter and I


Lakota loved riding the horses


They got to do a little trail riding


Lakota is riding Rebecca’s horse, Raine



Julie and John


Cheesy smiles

We had such a good time on the ranch.  It was fun seeing how the wheat can be harvested and getting to spend some time with other adults.  I was so happy that Lakota got to ride horses and participate in the activities.  She’s often left out because of her disabilities and I was happy that this time she wasn’t.  She has talked about that weekend for days after wards.  It made me very happy.